Friday, January 29, 2010

Slow Week

My son was sick all week so I opted to keep him in the house instead of taking him out in this brr chilly weather. I didn't do any shopping this week to share. I'll make up for it on Sunday don't you worry.

Since we were in the house all week I had some extra time to make some baby food for Pierce. Some things I do on the spot (bananas and avocados especially), because its not hard to just peel one and give it to him.

This week I made him a batch of sweet potatoes, and let me tell you he loves his sweet potatoes! I had bought some a while ago for .88 a pound and just stored them in the pantry. Just bake (or microwave your choice) and smush. He likes his food pretty chunky now so smushing is all thats needed, but the last time I made a batch I used the little chopper/processor I have to make it smooth.

Then stick your mush into an ice cube tray and poof!! You have frozen babyfood cubes. Just move the cubes to ziplc freezer bag when they are done so you can keep track of them and don't accidentally add them to a drink later on! (Unless you are making berry cubes for smoothies! I love when ideas come to me in the middle of another thought)

It's awesome how easy it is and cheap! The best part of me though is knowing that there are no added sugars. He sure doesn't need it yet.

I have kept a few of those little plastic containers the Gerber food comes in to reuse for when we go out. Just pop in a cube or two and we are all set to go.

For more ideas on possible baby food recipes check out They have some great recipes and guidelines on what foods you should give at what ages.

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